Key People

These people played a major role in the creation of the Bill of Rights

James Madison

When the constitution was created James Madison felt that the constitution did not clearly outline and protect the rights of the individual. James Madison was always trying to get the first congress to add amendments to the constitution. Congress made it a priority to add a citizens rights to the constitution. James Madison proposed 12 amendments to state legislators but only 10 were ratified that became known as the bill of rights.

“I find, from looking into the amendments proposed by the state conventions, that several are particularly anxious that it should be declared in the constitution, that the powers not therein delegated, should be reserved to the several states. Perhaps words which may define this more precisely, than the whole of the instrument now does, may be considered as superfluous. I admit they may be deemed unnecessary; but there can be no harm in making such a declaration, if gentlemen will allow that the fact is as stated. I am sure I understand it so, and do therefore propose it.” – James Madison 1789

Thomas Jefferson

“I disapproved from the first moment….. the want of a bill of rights to guard liberty against the legislative as well as the executive branches of the Government”  – Thomas Jefferson- 1789

Thomas Jefferson was first resistant to add a bill of rights to the constitution. He later changed and supported the Bill of Rights. He worked closely with James Monroe to draft and assemble the Bill of Rights.
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton was a federaist that strongly opposed the Bill of Rights. He stated ” The Truth is after all declamations have been heard, that the constitution is itself, and to every useful purpose, A bill of rights. – Alexander Hamilton 1788 He thought the Constitution by itself was already a bill of rights.

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